Digital Marketing For People Who Don’t Know Anything About Digital Marketing
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Digital Marketing For People Who Don’t Know Anything About Digital Marketing

I didn’t know anything about Digital Marketing when I joined the Design Pickle team. I was personal training Russ Perry, the founder of Design Pickle, when I decided to quit my day job and start fresh with something totally new to me – Digital Marketing. My background is in Kinesiology, the study of movement, so most of my…

3 Reasons To Take Advantage Of Influencer Marketing
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3 Reasons To Take Advantage Of Influencer Marketing

I never quite understood what a socialite was until I became a marketer. The concept was so foreign; like what do they do? How? When? Think Nicole Richie & Paris Hilton, 10 years ago. If you were not working for Louis Vuitton or in lifestyle marketing, it’s highly likely that this concept may have evaded…

3 Essential Digital Marketing Workflows
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3 Essential Digital Marketing Workflows

In the digital world we currently live in, social media is key to any marketing strategy. Running social media content can be easy to do, or the other way around, depending on the workflow itself. Understanding chronological workflow content makes it easier as a junior digital content marketer or beginner who jumps into social media…

How to Overcome The Fear of Work After a Period of Leave
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How to Overcome The Fear of Work After a Period of Leave

Whether you’ve been on a sabbatical, are between jobs or have been on maternity leave, it is daunting to re-enter the workplace after you’ve been away a while. We are going to explore what is behind your fears and how to overcome them. I took a break from work after selling my shares in my…

Rise Above and Flourish: 4 Ways to Overcome Your Self-Limiting Beliefs
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Rise Above and Flourish: 4 Ways to Overcome Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

A few years ago I suffered a health collapse from stress. I developed an auto-immune disease and I struggled with chronic fatigue for several years. I lost a lot as a result of this burnout: relationships, income, and my confidence. I had trouble believing in myself and I developed a belief that I would never…

Is the Fear of Failure Limiting Your Growth?
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Is the Fear of Failure Limiting Your Growth?

Fear of failure is a subconscious symptom of even deeper-seated issues that are triggered by the things that challenge us, the things that others will see and share unsolicited opinions about, sometimes even the mundane things that seem ordinary to the masses like leaving the house today. Failure is a derivative from the concept of…

Feminine Leadership
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Feminine Leadership: The Romanticizing Of Women’s Suffering

There’s evidence that suggests that hospitals over-estimate women’s endurance to pain and as a result, many women patients are under-treated until it’s too late. Serena Williams was met with a similar fate when she had to diagnose her own blood clots during her childbirth as doctors had only done a standard CT scan and failed…

Future Females Misconceptions about Leadership Lessons learned as a Leader and Manager
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6 Misconceptions about Leadership: Lessons I’ve learned as a Leader and Manager

If you’re ambitious and climbing that corporate ladder or building your dream business, there’s no doubt that you know how important it is to develop into a great leader. I’ve been leading and managing people for almost 20 years now and I have learned the single most important lesson about leadership: you can never stop…