Future Females

Discover Your Knowledge Centre

Are you familiar with your best knowledge centre? If we asked you to tell me about it, could you? If not, read more to discover yours!

Last week, we spoke about turning your zone of genius into money and selling your knowledge, not your time (head to our blog page for a reminder). While it sounded super straightforward, we realise it’s one thing to talk about it and another thing entirely to do it. But don’t fret, that’s what you have us for! 

So, this week, we will be talking about knowledge – what is it? How can you harness it? 

According to Oxford Languages, the official definition of knowledge is as follows: 

noun: knowledge; plural noun: knowledges

  1. facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

Great…how does that help me? 

Simple! Have a look at the following and see where your knowledge lies – give yourself a tick for each one and fill in the blanks where applicable. 

  1. I completed high school and studied a variety of subjects 
  2. I completed / am completing a Bachelor’s Degree at a University
    – My major was / is  _______
  3. I have worked for a person or company 
    – When I was working, some of my tasks required skills such as _______ (don’t overthink this one, break it down as much as you can, everything counts!)
  4. I completed a short course, it taught me _______
  5. I taught myself to ______ (again, don’t overthink this! Whether it’s coding, knitting, cooking or to water plants a certain way, it counts.)
  6. I was fortunate enough to learn ______ from someone and now have those skills

Of course, there are a variety of other places knowledge can come from but this is a good place to start. 

magnifying glass hovering over the word knowledge in a book

The Next Step To Discovering Your Knowledge Centre

Go through your list of accomplishments and associated knowledge / skills and feel out which one you feel most drawn to. If someone said to you, I really need help with X, which one would you be most confident in? Which one would make you happiest to help with? 

Got it?

Perfect! That’s likely to be your strongest knowledge centre or skill set. 

If you’re sitting and thinking, “okay, but that isn’t enough” or “yes but everyone knows this”, let us stop you right there! It doesn’t matter. You know more than you think you do and, at the end of the day, your thoughts and processes will be unique to you. 

To combat the self-doubt swirling around your mind, it’s time for exercise number two; let’s map it out!

The way you do this depends on how your mind works, do whatever feels natural to you, maybe it’s a mind map, a list, a vision board etc. Outline everything you know from tools and hard skills to insights and tips & tricks you’ve learnt along the way. 

Done? Amazing! Now you’re ready to start fleshing out your ideas on how to turn this into a value proposition. 

If selling your knowledge still feels like a bit of an overwhelming task and you’re not quite clear on how it all works, join Future Females co-founder, Lauren Dallas, for a FREE Masterclass on How To Create Profit, Impact & Lifestyle, Using Only What You Already Know at 7PM April 21 2021. Register here

Lauren Dallas and Future Females FREE Knowledge Masterclass

Don’t forget to check out our other blogs on this topic – Stepping Into Your Zone of Genius and Monetising Your Knowledge

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