Future Females

Why is Visioning So Important?

This was a question posed to me by one of my clients on The Flow Experience. Our theme this month on The Flow Experience, just like Future Females, is create your vision.

January is the month dedicated to New Year’s Resolutions, visioning and goal setting. There is a proliferation of goal setting courses and workshops at this time of year.  Everyone is feeling the energy of newness that comes with a new year and wants to get going on creating their dream lives.

So this questions answer seemed obvious. A vision is important because it’s what gives you direction in life. A goal to aim towards. An idea of what it is you desire. A lot of visioning teachings tell you that without a clear vision, you’re going nowhere.

In my flow teachings, I share that the flow state of mind is a combination of having a vision for the future and being happy in the now.
The vision is what pulls you forward. Being happy in the now keeps you grounded in the here and now.

However, this simple question from my client made me dig deep.  To really look at why visioning is so important and if it still resonates with me.

I came to the realisation that there are 2 schools of thought on visioning:

1- Dedicated visionaries and goal setters – That in order to manifest your dreams you need to have a clear vision and take inspired actions in line with that vision. These people love vision boards, mind maps, setting goals and intentions. The goals and vision excite them.  They love to plan and think about the future.

2- The Surrendered ones – That visioning isn’t important and that it’s better to put your trust in life itself and be fully present to what life wants to manifest through you. This involves surrendering your desires and preferences and seeing what shows up for you.  These people live each day, moment to moment, responding to what life sends their way.  Goals stress them out.  They tend to go with the flow more and spend more time in the present.

I am finding myself a mix of both. At times I find myself dreaming and focusing on what I want to manifest in my life.  At other times I’m totally surrendered to whatever life asks of me. I get out of my own way and allow life to flow through me.

Do you find yourself resonating more with 1 or 2 or a mix of both?

If what FEELS good to you is NOT to have a vision but to rather be in a place of openness to what life wants to manifest through you, that’s perfect.

If what FEELS good to you is to have a CLEAR vision by all means make plans, set goals and intentions, but allow the Universe wiggle room to make magic!

One of my core teachings on The Flow Experience is to do what FEELS good to you. Not what everyone else is doing or thinks you should be doing. Only YOU know what makes your soul light up. Lean into that!

I realise that this article is not the normal visioning and goal setting advice. I wanted to take the pressure off. To help you to realise that there are MANY different ways to do visioning and goal setting, and life itself. That the only way that is going to work for you is YOUR way.

I want to leave you with this final question.

Could life have a plan for us that we couldn’t even possibly begin to imagine? 


My name is Timea Kulcsar. I am a flow alchemist and the founder and facilitator of The Flow Experience.

The Flow Experience is a year long online personal transformation program to help you shift out of the old paradigm of having to stress, struggle and hustle to survive and into the new paradigm of tapping into the ease, joy and magic of life itself.

Over the last 4 years I have helped over 250 people to shift into flow and to create their dream lives. The journey is guided by me and supported by a community of like-minded people who will be there with you every step of the way. If you’re ready for this change in your life, please visit www.flow-experience.com

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