Future Females

7 Tips To Get You Off The Couch And Chasing Your Dreams

We all go through periods where we are lacking in motivation or we feel stuck and we need a little help seeing the woods for the trees. No matter how stuck or tired or demotivated you may be feeling you can get yourself up off that couch and out of your slump if you follow these 5 tried and tested guidelines.

Get Real About Where You Are

I’m no stranger to stress and anxiety and in my experience, the main cause of me lacking motivation or feeling stuck, is ME and I am willing to bet that you will have found the exact same thing.

The minute we start thinking about future events that have not yet happened, stress and anxiety cause us to feel overwhelmed and paralyzed by fear to the point that we are unable to act. We feel stuck and don’t know which way turn. Stop immediately and get off the crazy train, sister!

When this happens, it’s time for a quick reality check and to practice some mindfulness. Get real about where you are right now, in this moment. Don’t feed your fears and stress over things that have not yet happened and are highly unlikely to ever actually occur.

Get Real About Where You Want To Be

We all know how important it is to set goals for ourselves in business and in life. In order to ensure that you stay motivated, you need to set reasonable, attainable goals for yourself and be super clear in terms of what those goals look and feel like and what the benefits will be to you when you attain the goals you have set. It’s best to start small and make incremental changes by setting yourself weekly, monthly or quarterly goals and then breaking those down into smaller, more attainable tasks and actions.

I have personally found that it is easier to motivate myself when I have something I am working ‘for’ rather than just something I am working ‘on’. I regularly check in with myself and remind myself why I am doing what I am doing and what it is that I am trying to achieve.

Get A Kick-ass Morning Routine Going

I know that this one is difficult, especially if there are personal relationships or children in the mix and I recall being a lot better at having a great morning routine when I was in my early 20’s. But honestly, I have no excuse for the fact that I don’t make enough tie to watch my health and fitness or take some time out to meditate and practice mindfulness and just centre myself. It’s my single biggest personal challenge and developmental area and perhaps you will join me in creating a kick-ass morning routine that really works for you and sets you up to have a great day.

All of the world’s greatest leaders in their fields – including Oprah, Richard Branson, Robin Sharma and Arianna Huffington – have this one thing in common. They wake early and they have a morning routine that energizes and inspires them.

Some experts recommend using an app like Headspace or Calm to practice some mediation first thing in the morning, whilst others recommend leaping out of bed and getting at least 20 minutes of cardio, before spending 20 minutes reading and learning (or catching up on current events or social media) and then 20 minutes reviewing your plans or the day or journaling. It may mean that you have to wake up 30 minutes earlier than usual to make that time for yourself and just ‘be’. Whatever it is that works for you, find a kick-ass morning routine and stick to it

Get Strict About The Inner Dialogue

I am a huge proponent of guarding against the negative internal dialogue and the horrible manner in which we tend to speak to ourselves. You would never speak to harshly to someone you love and care for, so why do you tolerate such chastisement from yourself?

No matter what happens or what silly thing you end up doing, learn to speak kindly to yourself and of yourself and cut yourself some slack – you’re only human and you’re going to make mistakes along the way.

Get A Killer Playlist Going

I have yet to meet someone who can resist the amazing uplifting and motivating power of music. We all have our ‘fight songs’ that motivate us and make us feel like we are ten feet tall and we can overcome absolutely everything. Make a list of those songs for yourself and compile a playlist. I personally have numerous different playlists, depending on what I am working on or need to get done. I have a playlist to remind me that tough times don’t last and I have a playlist to get me pumped up and ready to take over the world before a major pitch or speaking engagement.

Get Out Of Your Own Way

This should go without saying, but you’d be surprised how often I work with coaching clients or even catch myself out being self-sabotaging or using negative self-talk and internal dialogue that does nothing but breaks down and creates barriers that never existed in the first place. Check in with yourself regularly and make sure that you are not being your own worst enemy and getting in the way of achieving your own dreams.

Now, I know that most of the advice offered in here appears to be super simple and self-explanatory, but don’t be fooled. It is going to take some hard work and really getting real with yourself and holding yourself accountable when times get tough. I recommend leaning on a trusted friend or finding yourself a coach or mentor you can work with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help – which brings me to tip number 7 and a much more serious note:

Get Help If You Need It

Depression and anxiety are real medical conditions that need professional medical intervention and often therapy and medication. If you find yourself feeling more than just a little ‘blue’ or notice serious changes in your sleeping and eating patterns or catch yourself having thoughts about harming yourself, you really need to seek professional help to get back on your feet again. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you needing some help in normalizing the levels of chemicals and hormones in your body and talking about the things that weigh you down.


So, what are you waiting for, girl?!

Get up off that couch and get to writing down your goals and planning your morning routine and making killer playlists! Not only will you find yourself a lot more motivated and ready to take on any challenge, but before you know it, you will find yourself smashing your goals and living the life you dream of.

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