Future Females

You’re the creator of your own life

These words of wisdom come from one of the wisest, and great thinkers of life in history, Buddha. After thousands of years, these words still resonate with us to this day. Mindfulness is important because you’re the creator of your own life.

Our life is shaped by our mind, for we become what we think – Buddha

Being an entrepreneur with a vision is more than just a set of goals that get you from here to there. It’s about creating your entrepreneurial mindset. It is normal to question yourself and who you are, but it is an important question because it can give your life direction and purpose. As an entrepreneur, you have a million things to think about. Customers, employees, bills, products, and deliverables… your day is filled with things that take up space in your mind. Mindfulness is important because it helps create balance among the busy world and can help you pick out what your priorities are.

Creating positive habits

Mindfulness is best practiced regularly, you can think of it like building muscle, the more regularly you exercise, the better your strength will become. Take a moment for yourself. It’s easy to get frustrated when you get distracted but take your time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they worked towards it every day; the same is true whilst making new positive habits even your mindfulness practice can be viewed like this. Try a short practice every day. Taking this positive attitude will move you in the right direction.

Here is a quick mindfulness exercise you can do:

Take a seat, get comfortable, and gently close your eyes. Notice thoughts that appear and feelings that are around. Be aware of them and return to your anchor when you become distracted. Mindfulness can be used to identify particular challenges or areas that are troubling for you at the present. Identifying these areas of concern, and the feelings around them, can be helpful in identifying areas of change you wish to make in your life. In doing so, the idea is not to live a discomfort free life, but one that fits your identified life values and life purposes. You can create your own life path inside of your head. It’s important to keep in mind that no pathway in life is straight and everyone’s path is different. No matter where you’re going or where you want to go, you have to be flexible. Creating your life path is a key to understanding your life’s purpose, innate tendencies and talents, and the obstacles you’ll face as you continue to master the lessons to be learned.

When you truly believe in your purpose and know your core values well, you can create your life outside of your head with authenticity. Remember, everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality – the key to your success starts with your mindset.

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